Agraj P Das

This site is intentionally being simple..

heightnot yet measured
working asR&D Engineer, Pixdynamics Pvt Ltd
localeKochi, Kerala
good atWeb Technologies, Applied AI, System Design, Containers
human languagesMalayalam, English
computer languagesPython, JS, Go, C
ask me aboutSystem Design, Containers, Computer Networking

"Just another Software Enthusiast, FOSS Lover And Philanthropist!"

email :
telegram :
matrix :

I'm Agraj, a random lad from Kerala, often found online as bRuttaZz. I was a hard core science enthusiast from my primary school, a physics enthusiast to be specific. I'm the kind of person who gets easily amazed by some simple, cool natural phenomena.

It was back then, when I was doing some simulation for my physics mini project on Percolation Theory, that I was drawn into the realm of computer science and programming in general. Since then, I have been building some cool stuff to fulfill my temporary personal needs (at that time, also to impress my ex-girlfriend).

As a netizen once famously said "If you got a creative itch, Programming can scratch that itch!".

I found programming as a good way to satisfy my instant-gratification-monkey (I mean my brain)! As of now, I still remain a programmer. Like any other passionate developer out there, I also love FOSS/FLOSS and am highly motivated by its philosophies. Thanks to GNU and Linux.

More about me..
  • I use GNU/Linux as my daily driver
  • I prefer GNOME over KDE ( solely personal :)
  • I am a fan of federated systems like, activityPub, email, matrix, etc.
  • I consider politics to be of great value and something that should be constantly discussed by all of us.
  • I found myself more aligned with Left wing political ideologies.
  • I strongly believe FOSS plays a much more significant role than it's praised for.
  • I love music and sounds in general, and secretly try to learn guitar, violin, or at least a harmonica whenever I'm free and motivated (which is a rare scenario).
  • As a remaining of my old Physics degree, I possess David Griffith's, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, and tries to complete reading it whenever I'm free and motivated (again, a rare scenario).
  • In my sleep, I dream about becoming a kernel developer.
  • I love writing scripts.
  • I don't like God(s) but Humans. Among them, like Girls slightly more, especially those ones who talk about politics.

( a lot of 'I's there )

Let me stop here, this's way more than my Google-Portfolio.
